Some good news from Somaliland

August 5, 2021 HARGEISA, Somaliland –  A regional court in Hargeisa, Somaliland, dismissed all the charges against Christian couple, who have been held since January on charges of “apostasy” and “spreading Christianity.” The couple, and others similarly charged, were released immediately. (Middle East Concern)

The charges followed raids in January when police arrested the couple Mohamed and Hamdi and others.

They imprisoned Hamdi even while she was nursing, so she and her baby were kept in prison.

Concerns remain however, a Somaliland Senate committee recently called for Sharia law to be applied in apostasy cases [which would mean the death sentence].

In July 2021, Jubilee Campaign together with a coalition of organizations sent a letter to all members of the Human Rights Council calling on them to put pressure on Somalia to repeal their apostasy law or remove them from their Vice-President position at the Bureau of the Human Rights Council.

The release of the Christians is “expected to bring negative reactions from society.” Please pray for them – for protection and in the longterm for the freedom of Somali Christians and other exmuslims to have the freedom to exist and practice their new religion or belief in their home country.

Somaliland: Christians released

Photo by Ismail Salad Hajji dirir on Unsplash