Freedom of Religion or Belief Advocacy

USCIRF defines international religious freedom, or Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB), as “the right to believe or not believe as one’s conscience leads, and live out one’s beliefs openly, peacefully, and without fear.”  This further expands to include the freedoms to convert religions, attend or provide religious teachings, and more. Here at Jubilee, we find these rights to be the founding principle for our work, both domestically and globally. We work to promote international religious freedom in many ways, including writing reports and newsletters on the status of persecution in other nations, assisting individuals, families, and refugees seeking asylum from religious persecution, encouraging Congress and USCIRF officials to advocate on behalf of religious prisoners, and providing necessary materials and legal services to such prisoners.

Jubilee Campaign engages directly with the US Government by visiting Senators and Members of Congress to update them on important IRF issues. Following the transition into the Biden presidential administration, we met virtually with congressional freshmen with the following document, which outlines the religious freedom conditions in the countries listed on the right.

  • Afghanistan
  • Algeria
  • China
  • Egypt
  • Eritrea
  • India
  • Iran
  • Myanmar
  • Nicaragua
  • Nigeria
  • North Korea
  • Pakistan
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Vietnam

Jubilee Campaign, as a co-chair organization of the IRF Roundtable’s Religious Prisoners of Conscience Working Group, visits with US representatives to ask them to ‘adopt’ a prisoner of conscience; in other words, to advocate for his or her release.

In 2020, Jubilee Campaign met personally with Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06) to ask him to ‘adopt’ Vietnamese prisoner of conscience, Pastor A Dao. Following the adoption, Rep. Grothman co-authored an op-ed calling for Pastor A Dao’s release; he was released less than one month later.